Empower and elevate your well being journey with The Q’s by being part of their innovative virtual membership platform.

The Qmmunity offers a nurturing space of co-creation and inspiration, where each soul is encouraged to flourish on their own unique path. We provide a community rooted in conscious connection, deepening awareness and creating profound transformations through mind, body and soul. Here, amidst our collective synergy, is where meaningful change takes place!

We look forward to seeing you there! 🦋

Mindful transformational change starts and expands here!

The “Q”ueue to join The QMMUNITY OPENS for 3 days prior to each upcoming month!

What are people saying about The Qmmunity?

The Qmmunity helps you find all the little places to let the light shine in. One day it may be a bit more openness in your hips. Another day it’s a slightly deeper softer inhale. And the next day it could be a word or phrase shared by a member that shifts the way you think about something.

I feel like the embodiment of the Butterfly Effect with so many small adjustments to my thinking, moving, and breathing. I’m growing and expanding in ways I did not predict when I started. There’s no one thing I can put my finger on to tell you why I’m different today than I was a month ago. But I can tell you I like it. I like Me. Mindy and Brian have created something really special in the Qmmunity and I’m so happy to be a part of it.